
PCE如何影响美股? 影响货币政策:PCE指数是美联储监控通货膨胀的重要工具。如果PCE指数显示通货膨胀上升,美联储可能会采取加息措施以抑制通


wise转账到支付宝wise转账到支付宝需要支付宝绑定银行,因为转账是转到银行,不是转到支付宝余额, 到账快 wise可接收adsense转账w

All Google Authenticator 2FAs gone

Yeah, everything was running smooth till one day I decided to add a new 2FA on Google Authenticator while offline. Later when I connected back online, Google Authenticator auto-synced, but darn it, all the previous 2FAs vanished into thin air. Only that one I added offline was left. Lesson learned - gotta backup those 2FAs regularly on your hard drive, just in case.


从中银香港银行往大陆中国银行汇款时, 汇款理由写个人消费或者旅游, 不要写还钱, 因为会让你补充资料

keep Azure vps ip unchanged

The dynamic IP of the Azure VPS remains unchanged unless rebooted from the Azure panel. Rebooting directly from an SSH client won’t alter the IP.


汇丰账户被锁汇丰香港半年不动账会锁账户, 其他香港银行也是这样, 最好每个月各个香港账户互转几笔, 省得到时候还得联系银行解冻账户. 汇丰在大陆提现


汇丰入金美元到盈透香港汇丰银行可以免手续费入美金到盈透证券, 汇丰以RTGS/CHATS方式汇款美元到盈透在香港的美元账户, 在盈透里选美元电汇


工银亚洲取现手续费银亚洲在大陆工商银行的ATM机取现没有手续费,不限制地区,汇率不错, 走的银联的实时汇率,我实测取现18000RMB,但是每


OCBC被关户怎么把钱取出来如果新加坡华侨银行被关户了, 会往你的大陆收信地址(居住地址)的邮箱寄送一张支票, 但是ocbc中国区没有支票业务,




众安银行无法直接消费港币以外货币如果需要用众安银行消费美元, 即使你的众安银行的美元账户里有足够的美元, 在消费的时也只会只会扣款港币账户, 并且

Compare the uses and advantages of streamlit nextjs Gradio

Streamlit, Next.js, and Gradio are three popular frameworks used for different purposes in web development and machine learning. Here’s a comparison of their uses and advantages: Streamlit: Uses: Primarily used for creating machine learning and data science apps. Allows data scientists and engineers to turn data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes. Interactive widgets to manipulate and visualize data. Advantages: Easy to use for Python developers with a minimal learning curve.

Isn't there anything out there that's both fun and important?

I feel like I’ve got loads to do, all supposedly important stuff. But honestly? None of it grabs me. I’d rather spend hours on what really catches my interest. This means I end up putting off a lot of things, which really bugs me. The stuff I’m into is just time-wasters, nothing crucial, while the big stuff doesn’t get a look in. Isn’t there anything out there that’s both fun and important?